a project of the gallifreyan tradition society

what is AG?

Academia Gallifreya, or AG (no, it does not stand for arachnidsGrip) is a temple of knowledge. It's a fully functioning online Academy for the Gallifreyan Tradition Society.

why neocities?

You know, I actually thought long and hard about the perfect place for our little online Academy to call home. I looked at Wordpress and Squarespace and all the other sleek, modern hosting sites that people normally look at when they want to do something like this. I even considered not having a separate site at all and just making another Tumblr.

The decision to go back to the Web 1.0 roots of online self-expression was made because we like what Neocities stands for. We like the ideals of creativity and a return to the open web. I may be getting a little too nostalgic here, but there's something beautiful about not being constrained to the social media cages that Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr built for us, and building your own house instead.